"Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

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"Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon Cika Dule » 24. Oktober 2010 22:57

Halo dear MZ colleagues!

Riding an MZ in my country means that, if something brakes on the bike, we all must search the spare parts from other broken bike or to buy expensive new spare parts imported from Hungary with the quality far from top.

Please, advise me which German factory is producing spare parts for MZ with decent quality and best possible quality-price ratio.

Recently I'm looking for "Schaltgabel 010 für 1. und 3. Gang", "Schaltrad 1. und 3. Gang" and "Unterbrecherkontakt" for ETZ 250.
Furthermore, I'm along with my MZ kamaraden interested in original IFA spare parts from old and broken MZ bikes.

Next issue is how to pay the goods, as we are still not allowed fro PayPal or similar companies to create an account in order to transfer the money abroad.

Your friendly help could make many MZ riders in Serbia happy!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Fuhrpark: ETZ 250 Bj. '88.
Cika Dule

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Registriert: 9. Januar 2010 01:15
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Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon sammycolonia » 24. Oktober 2010 23:17

Cika Dule hat geschrieben:Halo dear MZ colleagues!

Riding an MZ in my country means that, if something brakes on the bike, we all must search the spare parts from other broken bike or to buy expensive new spare parts imported from Hungary with the quality far from top.

Please, advise me which German factory is producing spare parts for MZ with decent quality and best possible quality-price ratio.

Recently I'm looking for "Schaltgabel 010 für 1. und 3. Gang", "Schaltrad 1. und 3. Gang" and "Unterbrecherkontakt" for ETZ 250.
Furthermore, I'm along with my MZ kamaraden interested in original IFA spare parts from old and broken MZ bikes.

Next issue is how to pay the goods, as we are still not allowed fro PayPal or similar companies to create an account in order to transfer the money abroad.

Your friendly help could make many MZ riders in Serbia happy!

Hope to hear from you soon!

hallo cika dule,
please take a lock at this dealer list...
Bleibt gesund!
Gruß Thomas
Gründungsmitglied der LAIV-ÄKKE!
Seit 2018 Mitglied im GKV

Ich bin ja mit dem lieben Gott so weit einverstanden, aber dass er der Klugheit Grenzen gesetzt hat und der Dummheit nicht, das nehme ich ihm wirklich übel. Konrad Adenauer

Fuhrpark: ETZ 300 mit Schweinetrog (läuft erstaunlich gut)
ETZ 300 (nicht 301) - Die TRANSERZ (läuft super)
Simson SR 50 - Der NOTHOCKER (muß ich noch zusammentüdeln)
Moto Guzzi California III - Der Pastabomber (laufete multo bene)
Honda NTV 650 - ???????? (läuft einfach)
Simson Duo - HEILIGS BLECHLE - TS-Paul´s zukünftiges Kinderbespaßungsmobil
Piaggio Ape TM 703 Longdeck - THE BEAST OF BURDEN (läuft gelassen/langsam)
Mitsubishi Space RunnerGLXi - Der Weltraumrenner (läuft)

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Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon Cika Dule » 24. Oktober 2010 23:36

Thanks a lot Thomas for your swift and helpful reply. The forum is so big that I have еxplored just a small portion of it.

What I'm interested in are of course personal experiences in regard quality and prices ratio. Will hear the opinions from others, too.

Regards, Dušan

Fuhrpark: ETZ 250 Bj. '88.
Cika Dule

Beiträge: 68
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Registriert: 9. Januar 2010 01:15
Wohnort: Beograd, Serbien
Alter: 62
Skype: CikaDule

Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon Guesi » 25. Oktober 2010 08:01


you can find the parts you asked for in my shop:
Some customers pay with Western Union, which is not very cheap for the sender of the money.
Another way of paying is simply with bank transfer.
I have many used parts in stock, but sending used parts is always a little bit risky, because the condition of these parts may be estimated different from the seller and the buyer.
I once sent an used fuel tank to a vcustomer. I thought that the condition was good, but the customer told me that he thinks the condition is very bad, so he sent it back.
I had to pay 2 x shipping costs and had not sold the tank.
If someone buys a new part, he knows what he gets.
An used part he should have in his hands before buying...


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Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon skeeve » 25. Oktober 2010 12:08

Cika Dule hat geschrieben:Halo dear MZ colleagues!

Riding an MZ in my country means that, if something brakes on the bike, we all must search the spare parts from other broken bike or to buy expensive new spare parts imported from Hungary with the quality far from top.

Please, advise me which German factory is producing spare parts for MZ with decent quality and best possible quality-price ratio.

Hope to hear from you soon!

I may be wrong, but most of the new parts in Germany are imported too. Some parts are produced for german dealers in good quality (e.g. Guesi - who, as far as I know, also sells imported parts). Maybe the best way would be, to ask the dealer about the origin and the quality of the parts you want to buy.

Fuhrpark: Vorhanden

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Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon Bobbel » 25. Oktober 2010 13:10

Hallo Cika,

you asked for personally experiences an I think I know why. It's very difficult to find out which provided part is fine and which is of a quality you dont't want to pay for. I have tried many dealers and bought many shit, cheap or expensive. You must know, which dealer you can trust.
And my experience is, Guesi, the one who introduced himself above (www.ddr2rad.de) is a dealer who provides the best quality possible. He is not the cheapest, but his prices are moderately. And I found him very trustworthy. If you try to find cheaper parts, you spend much time in the net and you are not shure if the quality is acceptable.
Ask the other people here.


Fuhrpark: ETZ 250 (Alltag),
ES 250/2 Gespann Bj. 68

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Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon MaxNice » 25. Oktober 2010 14:21

hello, we have a special forum here, that's where customers report their experiences with several dealers. if you understand a bit german or can translate it, take a look here *click*.
"Die deutsche Sprache ist Freeware, du kannst sie benutzen, ohne dafür zu bezahlen. Sie ist aber nicht Open Source, also darfst du sie nicht verändern, wie es dir gerade passt."

Fuhrpark: Diese Anzeige ist außer Betrieb.

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Mr. Flutschie (MoS2)
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Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon Cika Dule » 25. Oktober 2010 16:51

Understood everything you told regarding used spare parts.
Please tell, where are you importing new spare parts from, and from your experience what is their quality in comparison with old IFA spare parts.

Thanks for the advice. I'll do it.

Thanks Bob.

Oh yes! Now I found it. Let's read them all. I do understand a lot of German except slang words.
Thanks to you, too.

PS to all
My name is Dušan and Čika Dule means Onkel Dusan. This is something connected with my birth year. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fuhrpark: ETZ 250 Bj. '88.
Cika Dule

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Registriert: 9. Januar 2010 01:15
Wohnort: Beograd, Serbien
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Skype: CikaDule

Re: "Best buy" German spare parts for ETZ 250?

Beitragvon Guesi » 25. Oktober 2010 18:30

It is hard to tell where the parts are from.
Some of the parts I have are original GDR-made
Some I buy from a wholesaler, and I do not know exactly where he gets his parts from
Some I buy from other collegues who let them produce. some of the collegues tell me where the parts are from, some don`t.
And some parts I let produce myself. These parts come from varous countries.
It is not so important where they are produced, but what quality they have.
Producers in Taiwan or turkey can produce good quality if the company that orders these parts insists on good quality.

It took long for me to find producers that produce a good quality, so it would be foolish to give my producer adresses to the public(and to other collegues).
But be sure that I check the quality of the parts I let produce as far as I can do this.
You can see if you check the comments on this forum that I sell good quality, if possible.
And if the quality is not so good and I know that, I tell the customers.
Some parts are only available in bad quality.
So you have to choose not to buy them at all or live with the bad quality until someone produces the parts in better quality.
For example I produce an exhaust for the ETZ 250 that is exactly a copy of the original. The price will be about 140 Euro.
You also can get one for 50 Euro, but the quality of this cheap one is miserable.
But I have to produce 600 pcs of the exhaust, so you can imagine how expensive such a production is...

If you want to know, just send me a list of the parts you need and I can send you an offer,telling you what is original, what is a good reproduction and what is no good quality. And what I have as used parts.


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